I failed a major exam in my third year of High School. I had to repeat that year. My mates went on to the fourth year, I stayed.
In my pre-degree year at the university, I failed again. I also repeated the whole year. My mates went on to their first year at the university, I stayed and retook the pre-degree year.
Academically, those were some of my major failures in life. They made me cry, depressed and sad but God was up to something.
Mathematically, I lost two full years but God does not do mathematics with our lives. How do I know?
The very same young man who lost two full years ended up completing his Ph.D. thesis at the age of 26!
Why am I sharing this with you?
Listen, I need you to know, God does not do mathematics with your life.
Men would look at your life and see where you have failed and try to do the calculation so they can make an inference and judgment over your life.
They would look at your current age and the fact that you are not married yet, and they would conclude it's too late for you.
They would look at your failures in business and the fact that you have not been successful at any endeavour yet, so they would conclude that you are a failure in life.
They would look at the fact that you are caught in some sort of addiction and declare you cannot make it in life.
Whatever your story is, men may have concluded that you are a failure following their mathematical calculation.
But their calculation and mathematics do not hold water because they did not create you.
The only one that can draw conclusions about your life is the one that created and predestinated you! And God has not given any man the right to conclude over you! Ain't you glad?
My plea with you is that you should not conclude on your life if God has not concluded on your life. Don't give up on your life when God hasn't given up on you.
Don't cut short God's work in your life.
Like in my case, God wants to make you a showcase to the world of what He is able to do with a failure, a reject, and an outcast.
All God needs from you is to surrender your life and story to Him and let Him redirect it towards the destination He has set for you way before the foundations of the earth.
If this post is talking about you, I need you to declare boldly, "Lord, I surrender".