Some time ago, I gave an assignment to one of my coaching clients to share daily for 30 days what she was learning.
She reluctantly agreed.
She started, and day 1, day 2, and day 3...
In the middle of it, a friend asked her, why she was doing it, she said, "my coach asked me to do it".
It's been almost more than 90 days now, she's still sharing what she's learning daily.
Her testimony has changed from "my coach asked me to do it" to "I was created to add value to lives so I must share".
Now, she is getting messages from people about how the things she's sharing is helping them and transforming their lives.
Listen, starting something that's worth it or adding value to lives may start with some reluctance.
In fact, the first time you do it, it would look like you're forced and compelled.
But as you get on with it, you will realise the value of adding value to others, and you won't be able to stop.
So, my charge to you is; What is that thing God has laid on your heart all these while but you've been slow and reluctant to start?
You've had all these questions in your mind such as "Who would pay attention?" "Why me?" "Can I really do it?" "Am I qualified?"
Just start! I know it takes courage, faith, and grace. Guess what? God has given you those in abundance - tap into them!
Always remember, you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.
And, if you have the courage to start, you have the courage to succeed.
I believe in you, and I hope this has helped you.
- Dr Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher