"God told me to teach people how to create wealth", said a coaching client of mine recently. That was why she signed up for my coaching.
She wanted me to help her reach the world with this message God has sent her.
When God spoke these words to her though, the first place she looked was her bank account, and unfortunately, it was contrary to what God told her to do.
I mean, how could you possibly teach people how to create wealth if you are not wealthy yet, right?
That should be the logical way to look at things, right?
Sorry, but no, God doesn't do logic. Most things about God are very illogical. They don't often make sense to the human mind and brain.
God told a condemned murderer that he was going to be a deliverer. Is that logical?
God told a persecutor of the church that he was going to become an apostle for Him. Absolutely illogical!
God told a coward hiding away from oppressors that he was a mighty man of valour. How is that even logical?
God picked an abandoned and forsaken young man left in the bush with wild animals to die and chose to anoint him as king. Where is the logic here?
God decided that it was the same Peter who denied him multiple times that would pioneer His New Testament church. Excuse me, are you convinced now?
Wait, ain't you glad God does not do logic? This means there is hope for you.
You see, I came from a very humble background. There was a time my family couldn't afford what to eat. There were days we went to bed hungry hoping for a miracle to happen.
At a point, we had to resort to farming for our daily bread! But God chose me to help people find their purpose and extend His kingdom's influence.
Listen, when God asks you to do something, stop looking at your background, your bank account, your stature, your pedigree, your education, or your environment. God doesn't look at all that to call you.
God's calling is a gift! This means you don't deserve it. That's why no one can boast about it [Ephesians 2:8-10].
You have been running away from God's call all this while because you think you don't deserve it. Yes, you're right! You don't. It's a gift that's why you must accept it.
God has deemed you qualified, so stop running. Begin with what you have, and watch Him change your story for good.