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March 28, 2022



To the glory of God, I have more than three higher education degrees, up to PhD level. By the time I finished my last study, I had no debt to pay. God paid all my school fees.

See, since the age of 14, I had the dream of becoming a young professor. The dream seemed impossible because I was in Africa then and my parents could barely afford my school fees.

We later moved overseas and while the dream now appears a little more possible, my parents still could not afford any of the studies I needed to undertake for my dreams to become a reality.

Realistically, I should just have downsized my dreams to match my parents’ purse or do what most people often advise - "cut my coat according to my size" but thank God, I did not.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Hear this, when it comes to your dreams and vision, please don’t cut your coat according to your size, cut it according to the size of your vision and your God! I wish I could say that again... Cut your coat according to the size of your GOD and belief! God will provide the extra materials needed for the cloth to become a masterpiece.

Listen to me, in earthly realms of logic, provision should precede vision but in divine realms of possibilities, vision comes first, then provision.

The bible says, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. [Hab 2:2]” If you don’t have a vision, no one should try to help you. The reason no one is helping you is that you either lack vision or lack clarity of the vision.

There are no limited resources on earth, there are only limited visionaries. There are tonnes of resources looking for vision to fund.

As I began accessing my vision, God was bringing various people (strangers I knew from nowhere) my way to pay my school fees that by the time I was done with my PhD, I had no single cent/kobo as debt.

This can also be your testimony too. Put your vision before your search for provision. The search for provision without a vision leads to frustration and ultimately, penury.

Are you planning to study abroad, seek admission first before seeking school fees? Has God laid in your heart the desire to write a book, complete your manuscript first before looking for money to publish it. Vision first, the provision later...

Align your priorities today. Chase your dreams even if you can’t seem to afford it. God always honour your faith in the pursuit of your dreams when you choose to take steps even though you see all the way through.

Always remember you don’t believe what you see, you see what you believe.

If you have been blessed by this, let me know in the comments.

- Dr Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher

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