Some days ago, I was coming home from an event. It was late in the night, and some construction works were been done. We were detoured to another route.
I took a turn at the first sign and when I saw another detour sign, I became impatient. I thought I knew the road so well so I decided to not follow the detour signs anymore.
I took my own route and to my utter surprise, that road was also blocked. By the time I followed this new detour sign, it took me back to where I was coming from. I nearly cried!
I was so frustrated and pained but I learned a big lesson.
The road to success is always under construction. As a result, there will be many detour signs.
Don't try to be too clever. Don't think you are too smart. Follow the lead of your maker, your God.
It may look like it's taking very long for you to get there, trust Him!
Stay on course! If you get off the path He has earmarked for you, you will lose your way, you will struggle, and eventually, run on empty.
🎯 Follow God's detour signs for your life.
🎯 Don't try to be too clever to follow your own path.
🎯 He wants to order your steps.
🎯 He wants to guide you.
🎯 He wants to show you which way to go.
It may look like it's taking too long but trust His timing because He makes all things beautiful in its (appointed) time.
I believe in you.
DR SAMUEL EKUNDAYO | The Purpose Preacher