This year, believe that good things can happen to you and for you.
Trust that God is working for you and not against you.
Peradventure your experiences so far do not agree but pretty much, most things that happen to you are shaped by your thoughts and your thoughts are shaped by your experiences and environment.
What I have come to realise about successful people is that they do not let what happens external to them control their thoughts.
Instead, they choose to be intentional about their thoughts because they know their thoughts shape their lives. Remember, "as a man thinketh, so is he!"
This year, choose your thoughts carefully because your thoughts affect your beliefs, and your beliefs affect your actions.
If you don't believe you will get the job, you will most likely not apply. If you don't believe you're capable, you won't even try!
Your actions follow. your beliefs!
Believe the best of and for yourself this year.
I believe in you.
- Dr Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher