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October 21, 2021


When I was younger, due to my sanguine and talkative nature, some cousins, uncles, and aunties thought becoming a lawyer was best for me.

You will hear them say, "people who talk and argue the way you do end up becoming good lawyers".

In my early days of university, some of my mates who encountered my sanguine temperament thought becoming a radio DJ was my purpose; others thought doing comedy was my calling.

Everyone seems to have a conclusion or inference about my identity due to their various perceptions.

Today, I've come to realise, they all got my identity and purpose wrong!

Why am I sharing this with you?

No human on earth can truly figure out the truth about you!

If you leave your purpose to the perception of people, you will leave a frustrating life! The more people change their minds about you, the more sad your life will be.

The only person that knows the TRUTH about you is the one who made you - GOD, Almighty.

Humans, including your parents, can only speculate, guess, or experiment.

No wonder the Bible says, "And you shall know the TRUTH and the truth shall set you FREE" [John 8:32].

The knowledge of the truth about you is the beginning of your FREEDOM!

The other day, Jesus asked His disciples a very important question - "who do people say I am?" [Matthew 16:13-18].

His disciples began speculating saying names like John the Baptist, Jeremiah, etc.

Simon Peter stood up and said, "You art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Jesus' answer is worth studying! He said, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven"

You cannot know who you really unless it's revealed to you. Your identity cannot come from speculation and experimentation but by revelation.

If all your life you have been living based on what people think or assume about you, you have been living a lie!

They've told you - because you are quiet, you should be a NUN. "Because you talk a lot, you should be a lawyer", "because you are not afraid of blood, you should be a nurse" and you have listened to them!

Now is the time to stop living a lie. Go to God and ask him "Lord, why did you create me?" And He will reveal His mind to you.

You start to live a life of freedom, impact, meaning, significance, and influence the day you get a revelation of your identity!

I believe in you.

- Dr. Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher

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