Not quite long, my family and I were packing our bags in our Air BnB and getting ready to head to the airport to board our flight back to Auckland when I got a call from my friend, Dr Niyi Borire.
He said we should catch up for coffee.
We caught up for over an hour discussing, planning and strategising for this year 2024. We discussed writing books together, improve our systems and structures, and how we'll inspire and mentor more people this year.
After our catch up, as I drove back to our Air BnB, I reflected on the importance of good friendships and having the right people in your life.
Why am I sharing this with you?
This is a new year, and it is an opportunity to review your relationships.
Relationships that drain you and add nothing to you should have little or none of your attention this year.
However, relationships that add value to you, inspire you, encourage you, prophesy over you, pray for and with you, correct you in love, and value you, you should make time to invest in such relationships and people.
It's dangerous to allow relationships be on auto-pilot in your life. Be intentional about your relationships, and a new year like this is a great opportunity to review them.
I hope this has helped you?
I believe in you.
Dr Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher