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Quit Praying…

May 2, 2018

Quit Praying…

Two farmers were praying and believing God for rain in their fields. It’s been months without rain and they were afraid to put the few seeds they had into the ground because they were not sure if it’d rain or not.

Both farmers prayed but one of them went further by planting the few seeds he had. The other kept on praying, eating his seeds, hoping for his prayers to be answered.

🤔 Which of the farmers do you think actually believes God for rain? Certainly! the one that planted his seeds.

 Hear this! Our faith is not reflected in our prayers but in our actions after we’ve prayed.

In my own opinion, I think sometimes we children of God can be quite lazy. We spend days and months praying and fail to do nothing yet expect to succeed.

We put in all hours into fasting and praying and none into the actual work for which we’re expecting success or increase.

One of the scriptures that comes to mind here was when the Israelites were on their way out of Egypt and God literally had to tell them, “Quit praying and get the people moving! Forward, march!” [Exodus 14:15 – TLB].

👂 Here this, you have prayed and still praying but…
Now is the time to ACT.
Now is the time to back up your faith with action.
Now is the time to actually go out and do the work.

Now is the time to apply for that course, save for that house, discipline yourself to get out of debt, start your weight loss journey, stop eating junks, quit that friendship, sleep less, improve yourself at work – get that certification you require, read the books will change your life, fast away from your phone, revamp your CV, get a mentor, pay more attention to your kids, spend quality time with your wife or husband, seek the help that you need, consciously work on changing your attitude, learn that skill that will double your income.

You can’t just be praying and expecting these things to happen! You have got to put in some work!

In the words of my spiritual father, Pastor David Adelowo, we don’t pray for success, we teach and learn success.

Disclaimer: I am not against prayer. In fact, pray all you would but please back up your faith with action!

© Dr. Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher

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