I took my boys to their soccer training recently and just as they were about to finish, I noticed another coach setting up the pitch before his team arrived.
He must have arrived earlier than them. He was setting up the cones, goalposts, and everything they would use for the training.
I could feel his passion to have everything ready before His team arrived. He has made the provision without them even knowing about it.
He has the entire training sorted in His mind and was making sure the reality matched what he had in mind by the time his team arrived so they can enjoy the training.
I made a realisation that I would like to share with you...
That coach is like God in our lives.
Way before we arrived on the scene, He had been on the scene, setting up, making provisions so we can have an enjoyable experience.
This is what some of us do not know.
God is very much interested in how we live our lives and He's had His purpose for us sorted way before we were born.
All the things we need,
All the provisions we need,
All the materials we need,
All the gifts and talents we need,
He's sorted before we arrive.
Our job is to listen to Him. Our job is to follow Him. Our job is to respond to Him. Our job is to follow His plans and leading.
If we do this, our lives will be smooth.
If we decide to do our own thing, we forfeit His plans for our lives.
A life that forfeits God's plans will struggle and be frustrated. But a life that aligns with and to His purpose, enjoys the miracle of living fully!
So, what is your choice today?
Do you believe God has made provision for you before you arrived on the scene or are you struggling to make provisions for yourself?
I believe in you.
- Dr. Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher