Nothing about you is a disadvantage. Even your seeming weaknesses and disabilities. It’s a matter of perspective. Nothing about you was designed to work against you; everything about you was designed to work for you.
I often say, there are no inherent weaknesses, there are only traits we have not learned to master and use to our own advantage. That you talk a lot does not mean you are a talkative, it just means God has given you a message to the world. You are just yet to discover it. It might be in form of comedy, compering events, coaching or speaking. It’s a matter of perspective.
You thought you’re too emotional and you hate yourself for it. What you didn’t know was that God gave you compassion for people so you would genuinely care and cater for them. You thought you’re an introvert, and really desire to be like your friend who is the life of any party. What you didn’t know was that God gave you ‘natural solitude’ so you could use your thinking power to birth solutions in our world.
My problem with you’ve only seen your introversion as a weakness, so you sulk all day, sitting in your room watching Netflix or YouTube to the point that your dissatisfaction with yourself has weakened your self-esteem and you now feel like a loser. Your entire life’s vision is now to become like your extroverted friend. See your life???
Listen, God does not make mistakes, and most importantly, you need to know He didn’t make a mistake creating you. You were not an experiment at creation. Your seeming disability or weakness is an integral part of your uniqueness. Everything about you, from your genetic makeup to your temperaments, none of them was a mistake.
David in the Bible had the right perspective about his uniqueness when he said in Psalm 139:13-14. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well”.
Did you catch the last part? He said, “wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well”. David was saying, “I have the right perspective about how you made me. I am so sure you made me so wonderfully well. My spirit, soul and body knows this and is very grateful”. That’s my summary of David’s thoughts in that scripture. You too must have the same perspective.
You must love everything about how God created you. You must embrace your uniqueness. Celebrate what you have and don’t have. This is the beginning of cultivating the right perspective that will help you leverage your uniqueness, maximising your potential and be all that God has created you to be.
I believe in you.
Dr Samuel EKundayo | The Purpose Preacher