Let me tell you about one of my coaching clients.
She began coaching with me in December. Let's call her Juliet.
In one of her sessions, I could tell her job had become a comfort zone, so I confronted her about it.
She admitted to it but had several excuses why the next level was almost unattainable.
I asked her what she thought the next level was and she told me, we wrote it down and set a goal towards it.
I told her to begin to apply to those roles and work towards a certification too. I kept her accountable.
Reluctantly, she summoned belief and began to apply for the roles and work towards the certification.
Few more months down the road, she got the job! In fact, the got the job in July! She couldn't believe it.
How unbelievable!
Wait, that's not even where I am going.
After tendering her resignation letter with excitement, two things happened that I want to share with you.
1. One of her colleagues asked if there are roles open for her at the new place.
2. Another colleague said, she has to up her game and progress in her career.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Your progress is the awakening someone needs that they need to progress too.
Your growth and progress pave way for others.
This is why you must grow! There are destinies connected to your growth.
If you are not growing, you are costing other people.
And if you cost other people their growth, you are wicked and lazy.
I didn't say it. The word of God says it - Matthew 25:26 - "His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?"
The servant who refused to do something with his talent was called wicked and lazy.
Please kill wickedness in your life today by deciding to grow and break out of every limitation.
The world awaits your manifestation. Heaven is counting on you.
I believe in you.
- Dr. Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher