You cannot harbour resentment and fulfill God's purpose for your life.
You cannot hold grudges and still be effective at your purpose.
The best way to live life is to live it free - free of offence, guilt, shame, the need for revenge, etc. Freedom is God's will for us!
The problem with bitterness and resentment is that they unconsciously develop roots in your life.
Before you know it, you become who you're not - always angry, bitter, sad, and resentful towards others. No one likes to be around such people.
Bitterness and resentment come in so many ways including, offence in relationships - even between husbands and wives, careless words spoken to you by a loved one, colleague, or friend, something you feel you're entitled to that you were not given, etc.
Whatever it is, please, do all you can to forgive before the issue gets too deep into your emotions and start feeding your desire for revenge.
We cannot be called to set people free yet be living in bondage ourselves. Bound people can't others free! Captives must first be freed before they can free others.
Always remember, bitterness will not change your offender but it will change you, and certainly not for good!
For the sake of pleasing God and fulfilling His purpose for your life, let go of any offence; passionately detest resentment and forgive quickly.
I believe in you.
Dr Samuel Ekundayo | The Purpose Preacher