God has given us the mandate to position ourselves for kingdom breakthroughs and revival THIS SEASON
Event has started
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Isaac Oyedepo is a Pastor, Revivalist, Coach, Author, Trendsetter and Influencer. As a graduate of Oral Roberts University, he is an extension of one mandate to multiple generations.
God delivered a mandate to his father, Bishop David Oyedepo on the 1st and 2nd of May 1981 to deliver the world from all oppressions through the preaching of the Word of Faith. He teaches the Word of Faith with simplicity yet carries the fire of the Holy Spirit to his generation with proofs of signs, wonders, and miracles.
He is an author who is passionate about influencing his generation. He is on a mission to his generation. He lives with his wife and four children in Maryland, USA.
Esther Longe is a Transformative Leader whose life’s purpose is to reconnect people back to intimacy with God.
She is a speaker, author, teacher, the encourager’s encourager, coach and a Unicorn leader. As the Unicorn leader, She works with people to embrace their uniqueness as well as discover their strength, joy, calling and anointing in God. She is completely committed to reconnecting people with God and empowering them to embrace and shine their God given light.
She is the founder of God in Real Life Outreach, a ministry committed to helping people experience intimacy with God and encounter Him in their every day life. The ministry has several expressions including Broken, God in Real Life, The Alternative Business School (TABS) and the G.O fellowship.
ImisiOluwa Owolabi is a minister of the gospel with multi-faceted expressions as a pastor, strategist, author, counsellor, and transformational leader.
The President of Hope365 ministries, an organization that daily propagates hope through various mediums, ImisiOluwa is best recognized by her heart for the Father (Jesus), a trait she has been able to replicate in numerous disciples through a portfolio of ministry platforms including WhenFriendsPray which has held over 200 meetings across different continents.
ImisiOluwa is also the founder of the Intercession and Revival Academy (IARA) – a discipleship platform with a mission to raise millions of intercessors, revivalists, and transformational leaders for Christ through prayer, teaching, and prophetic guidance under her leadership. SHE co-pastors the Fountain of Life Church – Hope Center, Yaba with her husband and best friend, Olumide Owolabi. And her favorite way to be described is "Jesus Baby".
Niyi Borire is an award-winning neurologist, neuroscience researcher, lecturer, speaker and change agent. His research has won many awards including the prestigious Golseth Award, presented by the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM).
He is the Director of Southwest Neurology and a lecturer at the University of New South Wales. He is a Change Agent, with a mission to help people navigate change, without losing their purpose, identity and individuality.
Samuel Ekundayo is a life coach, preacher and motivational speaker. He is also a lecturer at the School of Computing, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), New Zealand. He is on the mission to inspire men and women to rob their graves of the many untapped treasures they carry.
He is also the President and Founder of the School of Purpose and Influence (SPIN), an institution dedicated to helping men and women find their purpose so they can become responsible kingdom citizen who will impact and influence their world for the kingdom of God.
This is the sign you need to take our world by storm and live beyond your life time.
Yes, influence conference is free but you still have to register.
It's a virtual conference so it will be happening online via our YouTube channel. We will send you the link once you're registered.
Each session begins at 6 pm WAT/UK time each day of the conference.
Absolutely! With the help of Information Technology, you would attend the conference in the comfort of your home.
If you have more questions, you can ask us at: ea@samuelekundayo.com